week six: studio ghibli

I was around eleven or twelve when I first watched Spirited Away, and it was beautiful . Back then, as a kid, I wasn't quite concerned with critically thinking about media like I am now. I just know that when I saw it, I saw something magical come alive on the screen. This might sound weird, but I can still remember the feelings I had while watching the movie a decade ago - the confusion when Haku made Chihiro eat the berry, the surprised fear when the stair under Chihiro broke, the awe of the washing/bathtub scene. I read Miyazaki's Nausicaa manga this week, and I was pretty surprised at the vast differences in the manga and movie. I think he did a great job at compressing the manga while keeping so many of the themes and significant details, like Nausicaa's uncontrollable rage at the soldiers and the prophecy of the blue dress and a wheat field. Despite watching my first Ghibli movie at eleven(ish), I actually only first watched Nausicaa when I was around fourteen o...